Daily Bible summaries - Résumés bibliques quotidiens
What is Adonaï Nissi and how it came about
The Roots
Adonaï Nissi was truly inspired, it had been placed in my heart for quite some time now. I did no know what I was going to do with it, all I knew is that it meant a lot to me. Adonaï Nissi means ''God is our banner'' and as I recently had to give up my career, it really started to make sense.
As I am writing this little explanation on December 29th, I am unemployed with enough money to sustain myself for 3 months at the most, I have a head full of dreams and no means to get there...but I trust that things will settle in due time as I trust that Yah IS my banner. He will shield me from all dangers and will provide as He promised in Matthew 6:28-34. Therefore if you are going through a rough patch trust that Elohim knows best and may He shields you as He shields me.
All that to say, this little ''interlude'' of my life lead me to create this blog...I have no expectation, I just want to do Yah's work, elevate Him and spend time with Him. God willing if this platform can help even one person, then I will have something to speak for myself when the end comes.
I invite you to share your stories, empower someone in need, give you opinion in a loving way and educate me when needed. I want for this platform to be a community worthy of our King. The King of Israel.
Please share, comment and message me in French or in English and don't forget to read my posts!