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The Feast of Trumpets


Updated: Oct 12, 2022

The feast of trumpets is held on the month of Tishrei which is the seventh month of the biblical calendar year when counting the months from Nisan. Nisan in our gregorian callendar starts in mid March to mid April.

The name "Tishrei" is of Babylonian origins. In the Bible, it is simply referred to as "the seventh month" Leviticus 23:24.

Fun fact, it's alleged that Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac on the month of Tishrei. Tishrei was named by the Babylonians in the Akkadian language (spoken in Assyria and Babylon) it means beginning, though Babylonians also counted the months of the year starting in spring in the month of Nisan. The name Nisan is also of Akkadian origin and means standard or miracle in Hebrew. According to Wikipedia the Nisan was borrowed from the Sumerian nisag meaning ‘’First Fruits’’.

This year the 1st day of Tishrei is on September 26th, 2023, and according to the bible Leviticus 23 versus 23 to 32, on the first day is shall be a sabbath onto Israel in memorial of the blowing trumpets. We shall do no manner of servile work and make offerings onto Elohim. The trumpets may refer to the blowing of the trumpets in Exodus 19:16 when Elohim spoke to Israel but prior to Him speaking, a trumpet sounded so loud that the entire camp was terrified. The trumpet could also refer to the 7 trumpets in Revelation 8 after the opening of the 7th seal.

On the 10th day of the seventh month (October 5th 2023) it’s a day of atonement (reparation for a wrong, making right the wrong we did, repaying our wrongs). According to Leviticus 23 verse 27, we ‘’should afflict our souls’’ and we should do No work ‘’for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement to ‘us’ before the Lord ‘our’ God’’

The Bible also specifies that whatsoever soul will not be afflicted on that day ‘’will be cut off from among his people’’ and whatsoever soul will not comply in doing no work, will Elohim destroy from among his people.

The bible is also very clear that this shall be a statute forever amongst all generations, and that the Sabbath shall start in the evening on the 9th day of Tishrei, in the evening of the 4th of October ( mid September to mid October is Tishrei).


September 26 2023 : 1st day of Tishrei - Sabbath day – No servile work

October 5th 2023 : 10th day of Tishrei – Day of atonement – Affliction day – for me it translates to fasting and praying – No work –

Note also that normally Bible day counting starts at sunset. Therefore, at sunset on the 25th of September it should be the beginning of the day of September 26.

I would also like to bring to your attention the difference in the Sabbath of the 1st and 10th days. The 1st mentions no ‘Servile work’ Yet the atonement day on the 10th, specifies No work at all. Therefore, from my understanding one seemed more restrictive as to what can be done and the consequences of disobedience.

But in saying so, the bible does call these specific days ‘’Sabbath days’’ therefore if we go back to Exodus 20: 8-11 The bible specifies that no work shall be done and in Genesis 2, Elohim rested on the 7th day from ALL work. It is then implied that all works are to be forbidden whether it is servile work or not.


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